Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"SEPTEMBER"-By Tmekio Pryor

Photo Credit: ablepariss
Here's an except from my forthcoming book "September". In stores Spring 2011.

"September"-By Tmekio Pryor

“Damn, why he always gotta come over here all drunk and shit with his fat ass!”.  Ricki was tired of the same scenario she had seen hundreds of times over the years.  This was all she could say to herself as he climbed in the bed next to her warm body.  This just irritated her even more.  It was Ricki referring to her on-again off-again married boyfriend Sonny.  She had been dating him since she was 22 years old, here she was 28; still having meaningless sex with him.  Mostly because of all of the things he did for her  when she was down and out, but basically because she felt obligated too.  Sonny was 38, married with 3 kids and possibly the father of 2 illegitimate ones.  He was brown, short and stout with a mini fro. Sonny loved Ricki.  He was always there for her especially when she was in a bind.  He owned his own car detail shop and wore his work clothes everywhere every since she’d known him.  He had known Ricki since she was a teenage that came and visited her family during the summer.  It was Ricki that pursued him after she had gotten older.  She had no idea he was married and he had never tried to hide it.  By now Ricki had out grown the excitement of their relationship and wanted a man of her own.  This was the 10th time that his wife had out him out and so he came to spend a few days with Ricki until his wife let him come back. 

After ‘drunkie-pooh’ Sonny passed out, Ricki got a call from her best friend Lizette.  Lizette always called at the right times.  And right now Ricki needed Lizette to raise her spirits do to her being pissed about Sunny sleeping in her bed.  Ricki walked into the Living Room and answered the call.  “Girl, what are you doing?” Lizette shouted through the phone.  Ricki could tell she was drinking because Lizette was always loud when she was intoxicated. “Nothing at all, pissed because Sonny got his fat ass over here and passed out in my bed”. “I’m at the Embassy Suites on Van Buran Avenue with that Puerto Rican dude from the Bar we met last week get your ass over here!  We got food and liquor” Lizette said. Both girls laughed. “Damn! I’m on my way bitch”.  Ricki slid out of her night clothes and jumped into some jean shorts and a tank top accompanied by her signature flip-flops.  She packed an overnight bag, just in case and was out the door. 
On the way to the hotel Ricki thought Sonny would be asleep for the rest of the night and even if he wasn’t, so what!.  He wasn’t her man therefore she had zero obligations to him what-so-ever.  Ricki arrived at the hotel and called Lizette to see which room she was in.  As she got off the elevator and approached the room, she could feel the butterflies in her stomach going crazy.  She stood there without a doubt; knowing that tonight was going to be filled with laughs, liquor and almost always-sex. 

He opened the door and Ricki’s eyes fell on his.  He was tall, muscular and what we called ‘light and curly’.  He had the most beautiful green eyes and he was fresh from the Dominican Republic by way of Atlanta.  Bobby was the guy she met a week ago when her and her girls were out having drinks at a bar.  Lizette met him first and thought the sex was so good she wanted to hook her girl up.  You see, Ricki and her girls worked on the “referral” system.  That meant that if one of her girls had sex with a dude and it was good, she would let her girls know.  That was the “green light” that he was fair game.  All of her girls were cool with that but they also knew that certain guys were off limits.  Baby daddy’s, boyfriends, and love interests were defiantly a no-go.  Bobby looked Ricki up and down stopping briefly at her “chest area" noticeably admiring her.  Ricki’s breast was one of her best assets. Ricki was a very sexy woman.  She was 5’8 and had a glowing caramel complexion.  She had brown should length hair, beautiful brown eyes with long lashes to match.  When she smiled her dimples lit up a room.  Her skin was smooth and creamy; she was proportioned wonderfully.  Most men compared her body to Tyra Banks.  Even though she was beautiful on the outside, Ricki felt ugly on the inside.  She was a woman hurting because of her past. You see when Ricki was 19; she fell in love and he cheated.  She was heartbroken.  Every since then she was always skeptical of men’s words.

She learned to read their body language and to listen carefully at what they said and even how they said it.  A lot of her female friends thought Ricki’s attitude toward men was great and liberating.  They were jealous that they lacked the nonchalant attitude towards men that Ricki had mastered over the years.  Little did they know, what they thought was a gift, Ricki felt was curse.  She had become almost “numb” to any emotions.  After all, millions of people had their hearts broken every day, so why was it so hard for Ricki to get over it?  By now she had had many sexual encounters and emotions were the last things that Ricki possessed for the opposite sex.  What she loved and needed badly was a serious “mind fuck”.  She wanted to find a great man to make her think.  Someone who could make her feel some sort of emotions.  She wanted someone who could stimulate her mentally as well as physically.  But where the hell was he at?  And most importantly, what he single?

Bobby offered Ricki a drink and before she could accept Lizette was already handing it to her.  Ricki and Lizette were always thinking alike.  It was as if they could read each other’s minds.  Even though Lizette was almost 10 years older, in some sort of weird way Ricki and her best friend had mental telepathy.  As Ricki took the first sip of her drink she glanced around the room and saw how nice it actually was.  She could feel Bobby’s eyes on her and sensed that he already assumed that they would be between the sheets in an hour or at the most two.  What he didn’t know what that Ricki’s intentions was to drink as much liquor as she could, let him suck her off and be out of there.  No bullshit conversations about when he would see her again or if she would come visit him in Atlanta.  She didn’t want to hear those bullshit lies that men normally told a woman after a one night stand.  Ricki not only thought like a man but she had manifested herself into one.  Lizette knew that Ricki would have sex with him but that would have only been a bonus; not for her, but for him.  By now Ricki was on her 4th drink and an hour had already passed by.  Bobby had already started feeling his Hennessy thirty minutes ago.  He had no idea what he was up against because Ricki had learned to hold her liquor.  Bobby feeling quite confident but mostly aroused; came and sat next to Ricki on the oversized love seat in the 2 room hotel suite.

 The three of them laughed and joked about the first night they met and in between the jokes came the passionate kisses on Ricki’s neck.  A few minutes later Lizette had passed out and Ricki and Bobby were going at it in the master bedroom.  Of course this was the last thing she remembered before waking up to running water in the shower.  “C’mon! Get up let’s go!” was what Lizette was whispering loudly to wake Ricki from her drunken sleep.  While Bobby was in the shower the two ladies took the liquor, money and whatever else they could and quickly left the hotel room.  They laughed as they walked to their cars about the events of the previous night.

Ricki let the top down on her Chrysler Sebring and dialed Lizette in her cell phone.   “Girl! I don’t even remember having sex with him.  I must have blacked the fuck out!  All I remember is seeing his little dick and making him put a rubber on.  If I was his wife I would be glad he’s cheating with somebody else”.  Lizette laughed and agreed.  She added “I have no idea why my pussy was hurting after I fucked him, maybe because I hadn’t had sex in a while.  Or maybe I was just really drunk and thought it was good”.  The girls talked until they both reached home. 

It was 7am when Ricki tip-toed into her house.  She slipped her clothes off and slid into bed with Sonny.  Just as she thought; he was still asleep.  She laid there thinking how great it would be to come home and have someone in her bed every night.  She wanted to actually be “in love” with a real man of her own.  Just then she had a thought and a sly grin came upon her beautiful face.  She thought to herself how pathetic she was for wanting to be in love and here she was laying beside a married man and only hours ago having sex with one.  All she could think about was how dare she wish for a meaningful relationship with someone special.  After all she was moral-free when it came to sex and relationships.  She didn’t deserve to be happy.  She buried her face against her pillow and quietly cried herself to sleep as the warm tears horizontally rolled down her cheeks.


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